Situation-Aware Linked heterogeneous Enriched Data

SALTED Open Linked & Enriched Datasets Are Available Here!

The key objective of SALTED is to add value to existing datasets and data-streams by enriching them through the application of the principles of linked-data, semantics and Artificial Intelligence. These datasets and data-streams come from heterogenous data sources such as Internet of Things (IoT) deployments, Open Data Portals and Social Media, and are harmonized towards a standard information model, i.e. NGSI-LD, targeting the so-essential interoperability.

The Data Enrichment Toolchain (DET) architecture designed and developed comprises different microservices that, on the whole, address the challenges presented along the achievement of the main goal of the project. The principal microservices are:
data discovery, i.e., the ability to discover and request the collection of sets and streams of data;
data formatting, i.e., the transformation of raw data into well-formed and structured sets of data accordingly to data models described in terms of NGSI-LD;
data curation, i.e., the identification (and potential correction) of data that do not reflect the expected quality (outliers, errors in values and the like);
data linkage, i.e., the ability to relate different datasets accordingly to a well established definition of relationships;
data enrichment, i.e., the ability to understand and frame the data structures according to situations and contexts and the definition of functions that exploit this contextualization.

SALTED Architecture

SALTED Architecture

The SALTED architecture is based on a Context Broker federated setup and DETs. This architecture implementation highly encourages that every DET injects data into its local Context Broker, which is connected, among others, with the so-called Federator Broker. This setup allows users to make their requests to a single central broker, which is able to forward these queries to the corresponding local brokers that have relevant data for those requests.

The Context Brokers used in this project correspond to the FIWARE Generic Enabler Scorpio context-broker, which guarantees full compatibility with the NGSI-LD API. Furthermore, the data enrichment outcomes are published in the European Data Portal, for which a connector between the SALTED architecture and this platform has been developed.

The main results derived from the project can be divided in three phases: harmonization of existing heterogenous data sources (increasing interoperability), enrichment of the harmonized data (enhancing data quality) and publishing of the enriched data in the European Data Portal (improving discoverability). Thereby, SALTED contributes to the stimulation of data usage and the acceleration of the data economy in Europe.

Latest News in SALTED!

November 4, 2021
SALTED project kicks off!

The Situation-Aware Linked heterogeneous Enriched Data (SALTED) project started with the first meeting among all its partners with the kick-off meeting where the basis of the work for the next months were set. During the following two years, SALTED will focus on the data enrichment following the principles of linked-data, semantics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). […]

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