An extension for the AgriParcel Smart Data Model

Published: May 31, 2023
Agriparcel dron image

One of the SALTED use cases is Smart Agriculture, which aims to analyse the CO2 levels at several kinds of parcels with different types of soil and/or crops. The parcels used for this assessment are located near the city of Madrid.

Taking advantage of the Smart Data Models initiative, several data models have been chosen for their suitability to the specifics of the Smart Agriculture use case. These are: AgriParcel, to describe the parcels of land; AgriCrop, to describe the crops; and finally, AirQualityObserved, to characterise the levels of CO2 above the parcels assessed. Nevertheless, no relationship between the AgriParcel and AirQualityObserved models existed until now, making the full characterisation of the use case unfeasible.

To address this shortcoming, partners Grupo Amper and Universidad de Cantabria have contributed to the initiative by adding a new relationship (named hasAirQualityObserved) to the AgriParcel data model, linking it to the air quality observations gathered above this parcel, modelled as AirQualityObserved entities. Thanks to the relation between these two models, the main goal of SALTED can be fulfilled: the generation of enriched data which encourage the development of innovative value-added services.

The extension of the data model AgriParcel can be found in the official Smart Data Models repository.
