D3.1: Report on development of Scorpio Context Broker – CKAN connector

Published: May 5, 2023
D3.1 deliverable image

One of the key goals of SALTED is the publication of the NGSI-LD high-value data generated within the project in the European Data Portal (EDP). This document describes the required connectors that interconnect the SALTED architecture to the EDP, by leveraging a Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) public instance deployed in between.
The document details the implementation and deployment of the concerned connectors, their internal components, and the data models they use. The resulting platform, which includes the Scorpio Broker, the CKAN instance, and the connectors, is aligned with the main output expected from Work Package 3 in general, and Task 3.1 in particular.

The deliverable can be found in the publications section.
