SALTED and data harmonization: New Organization Smart Data Model contribution

Published: August 25, 2022
Water Semantic Data

As the main goal of SALTED initiative is to provide a comprehensive set of tools for the linking and enrichment of data to foster the European digital data market, data harmonization becomes an essential task. Therefore, using and contributing to existing data model standards is of utmost importance to guarantee the data interoperability and ease the experimentation and application creation leveraging existing data sources.

Among the initiatives that pursue the standardization of data modelling, we can highlight the Smart Data Models, a collaborative program to provide multidomain standardized free and open-licensed data models based on real use cases and existing open standards. This initiative, supported by the FIWARE foundation, IUDX, TMForum, and OASC, amon others, and receiving contributions from more than 70 entities.

In this sense, as part of SALTED, our partner Kybeidos has contributed to the improvement of the Smart Data Models initiative by releasing a new Smart Data Model for the Organization data type, mapping the existing model.

The new data model for Organization can be found in the official Smart Data Models repository.
